September 19, 2009

As Promised

A week ago, Zack had told me that he & his friends will come back to the same place tonight where we all first met.My kid kept talking about them. He seems excited. Although, as much as I'd love for them to come back as promised I kept telling him that they probably won't be coming at all. I don't want my kid to get his hopes high.I don't want to see him feeling disappointed when he later finds out that Zack & his friends didn't show up afterall.

However, as promised when night falls, both my kid & I pitched our tent at the same spot. We could see that the sky was red. It was drizzling & there were no visible stars to be seen. Although, we had placed our things inside the tent, I felt that we need to move the tent in the shelter. My kid has already fallen asleep but I had no choice but to wake him up as I dislike last minute attempt; rushing for a spot in the small shelter.

There were a few foreign workers, mostly men in the shelter having a fun time among themselves. Once we moved the tent & placed our things inside, we soon settled inside the tent even though I could feel the floor was hard & cold. While I used one of our heavy bags as a pillow under my head, my kid slept with nothing under his head ever since we first came. I felt very sad at that time yet we were both exhausted at the same time. Soon we both fell into a deep sleep.

In the midst of my sleep, I was awaken by the voices of a few ladies calling out my name. I knew instantly that they had arrived as promised. Zack & along with his friends arrived after midnight to celebrate the long holidays with us both. It feels really good & assuring when I finally came out of the tent to see familiar faces once again. Their presence makes me feel that we're not alone afterall & that they have not forgotten about us.

While the rest of them were settling down, one of the ladies tried to wake my kid but I knew all he ever wanted at that time was to continue his sleep without any distraction. As usual I felt that it wasn't polite to let him sleep while they clearly were there because they had wanted to see us both.

Since there was no rice & drinks as they knew we need some rice to eat, one fo the ladies I shall named her Sal gave me a 10 dollar note to buy some bread & a few things for ourselves. A lady named Nad offered to go along with me to the store. We walked together & starated a light conversation. Upon, reaching at the store, Nad told me to get whatever that I need for the next day & to keep the note for myself as she will be the one paying. Although, I felt terribly uneasy I kept the note in my pocket. I took a few things & a loaf of bread. Nad & I later reached the shelter. I told Sal about her 10 dollar note & that Nad had paid for all the food. She told me it's alright as the note was for me. What I didn't expect later & should have known was that I had accidentally dropped the note somewhere. When I finally found out I was clearly very mad at myself yet at the same time I was very exhausted. The last thing on my mind is making sure that I'd still have the note as I didn't even make sure that I placed it in a safe place so I could get it later. I only realized the note was gone when I finally wanted to sleep & that was after my kid & I had eaten the variety of food they had brought for us both. The food includes fried fish, barbecue chicken wings, hot dogs, fresh pineapple, guava & some snacks.