February 17, 2010

What's New??

Well, after all the struggles & hardships I've finally got a job today. It's a call I didn't expect at all.

I'll write more soon as there aer lots of things on my mind now to prepare for tomorrow & other stuff as well.

To those who're with me during these difficult times, thanks a bunch!! :)

February 14, 2010

What's Up?

Well, I thought of changing my current template to a new one but I'm someone who's a perfectionist. So, I guess, I'll just change it when am really ready to tweak again. In the meantime, I'm still job hunting though there isn't really anything I could do for the past few days. Arrghh!! Everyone here is enjoying the long holidays except me :)

I'm nervous. I wish the holidays are over as soon as possible so I could resume my job hunting. The past few weeks have been stressful for me. All I could think of now is getting a job so as to end our misery for a bit.

Happy Holidays, my dear visitors!